There are many different makes and models of PAT Testers available for sale. It is important to be aware of the features of these different testers and understand what the advantages and disadvantages of these are. Here, we look at some popular models in detail.
PAT Testers can be classified as follows for ease of comparison.
These testers carry out the PAT Testing and simply display PASS or FAIL by checking the test results automatically against internally set thresholds. These types of testers can be used by someone who doesn’t have electrical qualifications. Examples of this type of tester are the BattPAT from First Stop Safety and the Primetest 50 from Seaward.

BattPAT Demo Video
PAT Testers with PASS FAIL and display of results
These testers combine the display of the results of PAT Testing as well as showing whether the appliance has passed or failed the test. This type of tester is ideal for the beginner as well as the more experienced user.
The MemoryPAT from First Stop Safety, KT71 from Kewtech, the HandyPAT 600 from Martindale, the SwiftPAT from Metrel and the Primetest 100 from Seaward are all examples of this type of tester.

MemoryPAT Demo Video
PAT Testers with display of results
On these types of testers, the test result is displayed on an LCD display. The user has to interpret these results to work out whether the appliance has passed or failed a particular test. Someone using this type of tester has to have a good understanding of the tests that they are carrying out and the appropriate limits.
The Primetest 200 from Seaward and the Kewtech KT72 are examples of this type of tester.
Downloadable PAT Testers
These testers tend to have an LCD display to display the results, internal memory to retain a number of test results as well as a PC connection. This is used to send the test results down to software which can help in the management of PAT Testing in a company. The software can usually allow the user to print labels for the appliance as well as print appropriate reports.
The PASS/FAIL test limits of these testers as well as many of the test parameters can usually be programmed by the user. This requires a depth of knowledge regarding the whole area of PAT Testing. This type of tester should only be used by someone competent with PAT Testing. Some downloadable PAT Testers can be fitted with Bar code readers to speed up the testing process. They are quite popular with companies that offer PAT Testing as a service. The additional cost of these testers as well as the time required to learn how to use them can usually be recovered in quicker test times.
The Apollo range from Seaward and the KT74 & KT75 from Kewtech, are examples of this type of tester.